12 research outputs found

    Freeman chain code as representation in offline signature verification system

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    Over recent years, there has been an explosive growth of interest in the pattern recognition. For example, handwritten signature is one of human biometric that can be used in many areas in terms of access control and security. However, handwritten signature is not a uniform characteristic such as fingerprint, iris or vein. It may change to several factors; mood, environment and age. Signature Verification System (SVS) is a part of pattern recognition that can be a solution for such situation. The system can be decomposed into three stages: data acquisition and preprocessing, feature extraction and verification. This paper presents techniques for SVS that uses Freeman chain code (FCC) as data representation. In the first part of feature extraction stage, the FCC was extracted by using boundary-based style on the largest contiguous part of the signature images. The extracted FCC was divided into four, eight or sixteen equal parts. In the second part of feature extraction, six global features were calculated. Finally, verification utilized k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) to test the performance. MCYT bimodal database was used in every stage in the system. Based on our systems, the best result achieved was False Rejection Rate (FRR) 14.67%, False Acceptance Rate (FAR) 15.83% and Equal Error Rate (EER) 0.43% with shortest computation, 7.53 seconds and 47 numbers of features

    IPC-A-610 standard in electric and electronic laboratory for engineering students: a systematic literature review

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    Printed circuit board (PCB) creates platform for the majority of the electronic component placement. Component connectivity has been converted from manual soldering to surface mount technology (SMT) or well known as a solder paste technology. Even though SMT has conquered the electronics era in recent decades; manual soldering still plays a significant part behind the scene. Introduction of instruments such as Six Sigma and Total Quality Management emphasis on minimizing the frequency of occurrence of defects. Since defects cannot be eliminated but can be reduced; the method called rework and troubleshooting carries weight to repair the faulty components turn into good components. In this context, it is most welcome to repair the defective Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) by using "manual soldering" because manual soldering can be carried out immediately without queuing in the soldering oven (James et al., 2019). The goal of this study is to construct standard understanding of International Patent Classification (IPC) among Malaysian engineering students during their practical activity in engineering laboratory. Currently, end consumers prefer to repair the electronics gadget instead of buying the fresh units. In addition, purchasing repaired device becomes popular among clients who prefer to own more than one device such as mobile phone, laptop, tablet and other electronic gadgets. Therefore, IPC expertise will assist the repairer make a choice on the repaired units without relying on In-Circuit-Test (ICT) and Functionality-Circuit-Test(FCT)

    A review on handwritten character and numeral recognition for Roman, Arabic, Chinese and Indian scripts

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    Abstract -There are a lot of intensive researches on handwritten character recognition (HCR) for almost past four decades. The research has been done on some of popular scripts such as Roman, Arabic, Chinese and Indian. In this paper we present a review on HCR work on the four popular scripts. We have summarized most of the published paper from 2005 to recent and also analyzed the various methods in creating a robust HCR system. We also added some future direction of research on HCR

    Effects of industrial training programmes on competencies of engineering graduates: a preliminary study

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    Based on previous reports, there are complaints from industries that our engineering graduates lack in non-technical skills. The engineers that are freshly entered the industry are not industry-ready due to lack of required non-technical skills. One of the reason is when they are still undergarduates, they receive minimum industry exposure during their industrial training. Furthermore, most of them have less industry experience and non-technical that is expected by today’s industry. Unfortunately, some students undergo industrial training to the industry which is not relevance to what they are studied before. This problem contributes to unemployment issue among engineering fresh graduates. This paper presents a study on sixteen engineering graduates from various public universities in Malaysia on effects of industrial training programme to them. A semi-structured interview was used to gain data from the respondents. The results reveal that 90% of respondents which underwent only 2.5 to 3 months of industrial training did not satisfy with the short duration of training. In addition, 43.75% of them claimed that the industries that they had been placed are not related to their courses

    Feature vector of binary image using Freeman Chain Code (FCC) representation based on structural classifier

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    This paper presents a recognition system for English Handwritten that utilized Freeman Chain Code (FCC) as data representation. There are 544 features were extracted from character images that used six techniques to extract the features. Before extracting the features, thinning algorithm was applied to the original image to produce a Thinned Binary Image (TBI). A feed forward back propagation neural network was used as classification. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database are used in the experiment. The accuracy yielded from the system is 87.34%

    A review on handwritten character and numeral recognition for Roman, Arabic, Chinese and Indian

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    There are a lot of intensive researches on handwritten character recognition (HCR) for almost past four decades. The research has been done on some of popular scripts such as Roman, Arabic, Chinese and Indian. In this paper we present a review on HCR work on the four popular scripts. We have summarized most of the published paper from 2005 to recent and also analyzed the various methods in creating a robust HCR system. We also added some future direction of research on HCR

    Perspective Differences Between Universities and Industries in Developing Engineering Students with Non-Technical Skills

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    Non-technical skill is the main attribute for a fresh engineering graduate to be employed. Recently, there are many complaints from industries regarding their non-technical skills. Many studies revealed that these skills could be developed effectively through industrial training. This paper is presenting the differences in the perspectives between universities and industries in non-technical skills development among engineering students. A qualitative study has been done on the experts which were five industrial training coordinators from universities and five employers from the industry. The experts were chosen based on are selected based on specific qualities to obtain the most relevant data. The transcribed interview data were analysed by using thematic analysis. The result reveals that there are some of miscommunication between universities and industries. It seems that universities are not able to fulfil what industry wants because of some unavoidable conditions. As mentioned before that industrial training is a very good time for student to develop their nontechnical skills. Five components are discussed namely placement in the industry, training duration, assessment, type of training or task given and learning outcomes. There are some similarities and differences between universities and industries regarding factors that are affecting non-technical skills development during industrial training. Universities should minimize the gap to ensure the students can get the most valuable experience during their industrial trainings as that can be the best platform for students to learn and enhance their non-technical skills

    Towards industrial revolution 4.0: Employers' expectations on fresh engineering graduates

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    From the pass until now, the industry was affected by technological change and innovation. These paradigms are called industrial revolutions. These revolutions were caused by mechanization (1st industrial revolution), use of electrical energy (2nd industrial revolution) and electronics and automation (3rd industrial revolution). All these industrial revolutions did influence only the production itself, but also the labour market and the educational system as well. Currently, due to the development of digitalization and robotics, we are facing the next industrial revolution, known as the Industry Revolution 4.0. The emerging technologies have huge effect on the education of people. Only qualified and highly educated employees will be able to control these technologies. The skills needed by employers' in the Industry 4.0 have change due to the changes of the technologies. In this paper, we present the non-technical skills those are demanded by employers' in Industry 4.0 based on recent studies by doing metaanalysis technique. In addition, interviews with five employers have been done to clarify the metaanalysis results. Based on the results, the non-technical skills which are demanded by employers are communication skills especially in English, teamwork skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, entrepreneur skills and computer skills. Universities should be exposed their students with much more of interdisciplinary teaching, research, innovation and valuable industrial training to meet current demands of industries


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